Open Burn Permits and Requirements
Contact Information
Cameron Lacey
Fire Chief and Fire Warden​
Business Phone Number:
413 - 268 - 7161

For an Open Burning Permit you can click for the online application.
There you will be asked to provide basic information that includes your name, address, telephone number, and location of the brush pile you want to burn. The online application is available and active from January 15 through May 1.
Permits are issued between 8:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. on the day you want to burn
You must request a permit for each day you want to burn
No permits are issued in advance due to the potential for changing weather conditions (check the application link on the morning of burning)
Massachusetts only allows residents to burn brush between January 15 and May 1
On days when open burning is not permitted due to weather conditions, the online application will be disabled
All open burning fires must be started by 1 p.m. and fully extinguished by 4 p.m. Failure to follow these rules can result in the revocation of your permit for the remainder of the open burning season. There is no fee for this permit.
Residents who do not want to use the online application must call the Goshen Fire Department business line to schedule an inspection and receive a written permit. Inspections of your brush pile will only be completed on Friday mornings, so please plan accordingly. People who use the online application do not have to go through this inspection process.​​
Massachusetts Open Burn Guidance