Contact Information
Cameron Lacey
Fire Chief and Fire Warden​
Business Phone Number:
413 - 268 - 7161

Help Us to Find You
Since 1992 the Goshen Fire Department has advocated for local bylaws and with homeowners for universal display of house numbers. House numbers are still our primary method for finding a house in emergency.
Is your house numbered and visible?
Current Goshen Bylaw Regarding House Numbers:
All numbers shall be located on the street side of the house, 6 feet above the yard level, to the right side of the front door. If the house is located in excess of 50 feet from the street, the number must be located by the side of the driveway, at the edge of the right of way and 6 feet above the yard level. All numbers are to be 5 inches minimum in height and contrasting in color from the background.
Use common sense when placing your numbers. Make sure your house numbers are visible from the road in both directions and reflective at night.
New House Numbers
The Fire Chief is responsible for issuing new house numbers. Here is the Goshen Fire Department Application For A New House Number. Once downloaded you can open it; enable editing and fill it in; attach it to an email to the address listed on the form.​