Code Red - Reverse 911
Contact Information
Cameron Lacey
Fire Chief and Fire Warden​
Business Phone Number:
413 - 268 - 7161

What is CodeRED and how does the Town of Goshen use it?
CodeRED is an automated emergency notification system that allows the Town of Goshen to send out pre-recorded messages over the telephone to residents alerting them to certain situations. CodeRED will primarily be utilized to notify citizens of situations that might include evacuation notices, utility outages, snow emergencies and other situations in which urgent notification is required. CodeRED has the capability of notifying all Goshen residents within an hour.
Why do I need to register?
You only need to register if you want to receive emergency notification and the following conditions apply:
You want to be notified on your cell phone
You have an unlisted phone number
You have recently moved and need to update your phone number
You use TDD/TTY
You want to use your work phone as a back up to your home phone
If you currently receive calls about important Town information, you do not need to sign up again.
Where do I register?